Friday, June 11, 2010

Son 5 seneden ogrendiklerim! // Things I've learned during past 5 years!

2008 - New York - New School's FD dorm - Just before christmas!

-Dunyada daha iyi yasanilan bir yer yokmus. Insan mutlu oldugu yerde, ani yasamayi ogrenirse en iyi yasayabilirmis.

-Mezun olduktan sonra nerede olursa olsun, dunyada is bulmak (maalesef) kolay degilmis ama insan cok calisirsa iyi bir is bulurmus.

-Herkesin kendine gore sorunlari varmis. Insan sorunlarini hedeflerinin onune engel koymazsa mutlu olabilirmis.

-Mutluluk goreceli bir kavrammis. Bazisi herseyi olsa da mutlu olamazmis, bazisi elindeki hicbirseyle mutlu olmayi bilirmis. Bardagin hep dolu tarafini gormek marifetmis.

-Yetenek diye bir sey yokmus, tutkuyla bikip usanmadan calismanin adi yetenek olmus!

-Istemek yetmiyormus! Cok istemek ve istedigini gidip almasini bilmek/aramak/arastirmak/bulmak makbulmus.

-Disarinin hic susmayan sesleri arasinda, icinizdeki sese kulak verip, ona guvenebilmek onemliymis.

-Kimse kimseden ustun/akilli degilmis, en cok bilen, en az bildigini de bilirmis!

-Insan her gun yeni bir sey ogrenmeliymis!

-"Yapamazsin!" denileni yapmanin verdigi haz gibisi yokmus.


-There's no better place or city to live on this planet. If we can learn to live the moment and be happy, we can live the best in anywhere.

-It's not easy to find a job no matter where you are, but if you work hard you'll eventually find one.

-Everyone has problems (believe me!). One should not use their problems as an excuse for not achieving their dreams.

-Happiness is relative. It's not related with what we have or haven't, but rather it depends on our perspectives in life. Seeing the full side of the glass is always a feat!

-There's no such thing as "talent"! Talent is what people call "working hard with passion"!

-Wanting is not enough! The important thing is to "really want" something and find a way to get it!

-It's important to listen to your heart while people are shouting outside!!

-No one's better/smarter than anyone! (ok real genious people are not in this category! ) The one who knows the most is the one who knows that he doesnt know anything!

-Everyone should learn something new everyday!!

-The best thing in this world is to achieve things that people think you can't!

Don't worry be happy! :)

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