Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Beynima format attim.

Cok ilginc bir sey oldu gecenlerde. Boyle sabaha karsi, uyanmakla uyanmamak arasinda uyurken bilincim yerine geldi. Uydugumun farkina vardim. Ama uyudugumun farkina vardigim icin aslinda uyanmis bulundum. - Haliyle bu esnada gozlerim kapali yatakta yatiyorum hala - Sonra her uyandigimda oldugu gibi dusuncelerin, resimlerin, islerin kafama ususmesi gerekirken aslinda hicbir sey olmadigini fark ettim. Beynim resmen bombostu. Hani evet, olayin farkindayim, bir ic ses soz konusu ama ic ses disinda bir tik bile gecmiyor beynimden. Nedense ilk dusundugum sey, 'Acaba öldüm mü?' Yada ölüyor muyum?' oldu. Cunku boyle baska bir boyuta gecmekle gecmemek arasinda kalmis gibi hissediyorum kendimi. Beynimdeki bosluk resmen vucuduma yayilmaya calisiyor, boyle bir hafiflik, bir huzur filan. Sonra tek gozumu araladim, beyin fonksiyonlarim yerinde mi diye. Gayet guzel acildi, etrafi suzdu, sonra huzuru kacirmamak icin yeniden kapandi. Ama baktim boyle olmayacak. Bir yerlere tasiyor beynim beni ama nereye bilmiyorum, dedim, 'Kalk Nurbanu, bir an evvel kalk da aklini kacirmadan, beynine bir sey inmeden calismaya basla!'

Kalktim. Bir iki saniye icinde de gece boyunca beynimden uzaklasmis butun dusunceler gelip beynime usustuler. Ah nasil da huzurluydum, o yatakta dusuncesiz uzandigim o an, nasil da guzeldi her sey anlatamam!

Aksama dogru bir arastirayim bu neymis bakalim dedim. Bir kac insan daha benim yasadigim tecrubeye benzer tecrubeler yazip yayinlamislar. Sevindim sahsen. Demek ki insanlarin basina geliyormus. Adina da beynin kendi kendine format atmasi demisler. Cok iyi oldu walla. Gercekten bir beyin formatina ihtiyacim vardi o aralar.

Artik bunu kesfettikten sonra arada bir beynime format atmaya karar verdim. Insan her istediginde dusuncelerden kurtulamiyor tabii ama mesela bugun de, sabah evi temizledikten sonra hic-bir-sey yapmadim. Zaten gunlerdir bilgisayara bakmaktan basim zonkluyordu. Gittim yattim onun yerine. Ohh, gunesin aydinlattigi bir yatakta vakit gecirmekten daha keyif veren bir sey olamaz herhalde bu dunyada. Bir sure sonra yine dusuncelerim yavasladi, basimin agrisi yavas yavas yok oldu. Ilk yasadigim sabahki kadar bosaltamasam da, bir nebze bosalttim kafami. Insanin boyle, ara ara beynine format atmasina ihtiyaci oluyor gercekten.

ps. size buldugum makaleyi link vermeye calistim ama simdi bulamiyorum. onun yerine korkunc karabasan makaleleriyle karsilastim, daha fazla arastirmak istemiyorum!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

White Plain T's and Delilah!

So I assume, everyone who loves this song wondered who is this girl Delilah?!
Here is the story behind the song!

USA Today has a new interview with Plain White T's front man Tom Higgenson. Tom explains the meaning behind the T's song "Hey There Delilah."

Not only is the song about a real girl, but it's about an Olympic hopeful. Higgenson met steeplechase runner Delilah DiCrescenzo in New York City five years ago, when Delilah was attending Columbia University.

"I thought she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen," said Higgenson. "I told her, 'I have a song about you already.' Obviously, there was no song. But I thought it was smooth."

"I wasn't interested," says DiCrescenzo. "I was dating somebody."

Higgenson kept in touch with DiCrescenzo over email, and in 2004 he finally wrote the song "Hey There Delilah." He sent a CD to DiCrescenzo, who was impressed... but not that impressed.

"It was so beautifully written," she said. "There was pressure to live up to this ideal. I didn't know how to be polite but, you know, ditch him."

DiCrescenzo also says of the song, "When I'm at the gym, it's playing; when I'm at the pool, it's playing. Part of me wants to scream at the top of my lungs that it's about me. Another part of me wants to cower and say it's not."

Nowadays, Higgenson has gotten over his crush.

He says, "If we had lived happily ever after, then what would my next song be about?"

Hmm, maybe something that doesn't make you sound like a stalker? Here are a few thoughts about this story...

-Would this song have been as popular if the girl was named Sarah?

-Delilah DiCrescenzo sounds like she should be some Eastern Romanian gymnast, not a steeplechase runner.

-"I thought it was smooth." You thought wrong. Sorry champ.

-If you're a girl named Delilah, you've gotta be pretty psyched that this song exists. It's been too long since a song about a "Delilah" was popular.

-Are there any girls' names that don't have a song?

-Finding out this song is about a stalker-esque crush probably just ruined it for a bunch of people.

-Tom Higgenson is making a strong push for the title of "Least Rock N' Roll Name In Music." Watch your back, Chester Bennington!

Here is the Plain White T's video for "Hey There Delilah." If you have a "Closing Time" flashback when you watch this, you're not alone.

Original source of story is here.